Art Week Activities
So as to further enrich Anqing Foreign Language School’s cultural connotation, improve the cultural tastes of the school, create a grand stage full of rich artistic atmosphere for all the teachers and students to fully demonstrate their artistic talent, further enrich the campus cultural life, let art enter campus as well as provide students with more opportunities to showcase their talent, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the west campus organized the 2019 art week activities to welcome the arrival of the New Year.
To be specific, the grand event lasted a week, including a series of activities such as the New Year’s party, New Year’s theme speech under the national flag, painting competition, tug-of-war contest from the 7th grade, the chorus competition of revolutionary songs from Grade 8 and the basketball league match of the 9th grade. Evidently, the whole art week was full of splendid activities and highlights. More noticeably, students from Anqing Foreign Language School manifested the behavioral cultural characteristics, which reflected the style and features of students in the new era!
On the whole, the art week activities demonstrated Anqing Foreign Language School’s school-running thoughts, displayed the achievements of Anqing Foreign Language School’s characteristic education, enhanced the interaction between teachers and students in addition to further promoting the characteristic education work to a new level.

















